“The overriding reason for my departure, above all else, was that since ‘93 I hadn’t really been enjoying life in the group enough to warrant sticking with it, especially given that I didn’t feel there was anything more I could personally achieve within it’s boundaries. I have to say that I never had any doubts that it was the right thing to do at the right time for me. My involvement with Depeche has been good to me and I am grateful for the wonderful memories and the enviable position it has left me in. I’m proud of my involvement with ‘The Singles 86-98’ which effectively represents 10 years of hard but satisfying work. There have been one or two bleak moments but at the end of the day it’s all been worth it – and who could ask for anything more?”

Alan’s leaving DM, official announcement
“The overriding reason for my departure, above all else, was that since ‘93 I hadn’t really been enjoying life in the group enough to warrant sticking with it, especially given that I didn’t feel there was anything more I could personally achieve within it’s boundaries. I have to say that I never had any doubts […]